Tuesday, November 4, 2008

bones & bats

It has taken me a while, but here is a picture of my skeleton and my "better-batter baseball man" (as William refers to himself.) They had a grand time as they celebrated Halloween, and I am certain they will not need anymore candy between now and next October 31 (note to Santa, Cupid and the Easter Bunny!) While we are making notes to Santa, I need to let him know that this elf is quite busy holding up her end of then deal when it comes to jewelry. I am also working on some great things that I look forward to sharing with you over the coming weeks. One of the pieces is a complete surprise for a total stranger. How fun is that?! Given what she goes through on a daily basis, I find her to be completely amazing. I'll probably have it finished and ready to show you all next week. I'll share her story with you as well...prepare to be humbled and inspired!!! As I mentioned in a previous post, we have the art show in town this weekend. I am SOOOO busy getting ready for that, but I have not forgotten that it is now November. Time for another giveaway! Let's shoot for a goal of no later than the end of next week...deal?

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