Dear blog friends - how wonderful to know that I have friends stopping by to see what is happening in my life; however, most of what happens in my life revolves around my family and my friends. Well, right now, I have a friend who needs me. You see, my friend Teresa has recently found out she has kidney cancer. Her left kidney will be removed in the morning. Now, this is one tough cookie - she battled (and won!) breast cancer 14 years ago. I told you she was TOUGH!! Let me also mention that she is my youngest son's Sunday school teacher. She has no choice but to be a strong woman! He crawled into her hospital bed on Saturday with a picture of the two of them holding hands. So, my family loves Teresa. Please keep her (and I know for some of you that she is a total stranger) in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
Also, as Mother's Day approaches, other blog friends of hers will be having a blog raffle on a blog they've set up - what cool friends you can make in the world of blogging!
I plan to donate a piece of jewelry or gift certificate to the raffle in order to defray the expenses that insurance simply will not cover. So, if you're crafty...please consider donating. And, if you're not crafty, why don't you consider making a purchase of something really cool. Many thanks!
Hold a true friend with both your hands. -- Nigerian Proverb